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2012 peterbilt 367 what needed to install a aftetmarket radio? Aka an afapter harnes
August 2nd, 2017
The only needed part is the harness.  BT ISO   Read more...
I have to replace a 16 plug. Mine is a panasonic model cq-5300u. Just want to make sure I order the right one
August 2nd, 2017
Use either the BT PAN CAS or BT PAN CD reflecting your version.  If only a AF/FM use the BT PAN   Read more...
I have a 2016 International Lonestar. Radio is gone, just bunch,of green wires with very hard to read small printed letters, number combinations on each. I need a new adapter/harness
July 30th, 2017
You need the BT ISO DIN  
I have a 2007 Peterbilt 387 and I am looking to exchange CD players I'm looking for a wiring harness that plugs in to stock clip so I don't have to cut wiring do you offer anything like this and if so how much ?
July 25th, 2017
2007 Pete uses the BT ISO DIN harness.  Wire this to your new radios pigtail and plug it   Read more...
I have an 2016 freightliner cascadia I need the adapter that once I remove old radio it will plug in wiring harness then give me end so I can hardware to new kenwood
July 15th, 2017
Newer model Freightliners use the BT ISO DIN